Veterans who have been honored by donations to Healing Warrior Hearts
Army Staff Sergeant Chris Falkel KIA in Meri Ghar Afghanistan on the 8th of August 2005. He was awarded the silver star and purple heart.
James McKenzie, his son, Steve McKenzie, shared... “My Dad, enlisted in the Army at 17, became a sharpshooter, served for 4 years, took advantage of the College benefits and went on to have great success in the private sector. To this day, I personally don’t know of anyone who’s a better shot with a firearm.”
Daniel Anderson, Steve McKenzie goes on to say “My Brother-in-law, Daniel, enlisted in the Air Force also at 17, served in Vietnam and made serving his country a career. He achieved the highest rank an enlisted person could in the Air Force as a Chief Master Sergeant.”
Al Fletcher. He was a Captain in the Army, a Ranger, two purple hearts and many other commendations. Two tours in Vietnam. He worked at the VA for many years helping veterans get benefits and services. He was one of the early participants in the Bamboo Bridge (which evolved into Healing Warrior Hearts).
Don De Camp – a Vietnam veteran who was inspired by two programs in 1997, Taking It Lightly and Bamboo Bridge. So inspired that he enrolled in Wayne State University with the goal of getting a degree in social work with the purpose of being a therapist for Veterans. He said “When I can look across at a veteran and see in his or her eyes, the healing and welcoming home, it helps heal me. It is so amazing to me that in helping others heal, I can heal myself. I can think of no better place to spend my weekends and to dedicate my life's work.”
HN Aaron Ullom KIA in Afghanistan July 12, 2011. His parents now run a nonprofit that sends care packages to troops deployed over seas called “Aarons Gifts from Home”
Chris Jackson – Sonar tech aboard the USS Keywest (snn722). Kevin remembers fondly Chris teaching him sonar when he was junior sailor.
Joshua J. Gscheidmeier - Passionately committed 27 years to the Air Force, completing many deployments that took him to Kuwait, Hawaii, Alaska, Germany, Iraq, and Spain (his favorite). Until his departure, he continued to devote many hours to the Honor Guard, working to bring tribute to many veterans and their families during military funerals around Wisconsin.
From C Company of the 2-127 Infantry Battalion
Evan Olson
James Swetlik
Eric Richley
Logan Collison
Rhonda Briggs
SSG Christopher N “Thunder” Karch
SGM Richard J Turzinski, Silver Star, Bronze Star, WWII US Army medic
Zachary Wasendorf
Christan Kramer
Tom Murrell
Ian Fishback
Thomas Clark
Gerald “Jerry” French
Mark Andrew Freiburghaus
Kerry D Yelk
Kimberly S
Jerry Guenette
Aidan Lancing
Scott Mantz, sons, brother and nephews who all served